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Fake Antenna Detection Project

Caracas - Venezuela
Colombia-Venezuela border
CDMX - Mexico
La Paz - Bolivia
Santiago - Chile
Bogota - Colombia
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Quito - Ecuador
Managua - Nicaragua
San Salvador - El Salvador
Cell towers analyzed
Cell towers with irregularities
Measurements taken
Cell towers analyzed
Cell towers with irregularities
Measurements taken
We are a project involved in detecting and understanding cell phone surveillance in risk contexts within Latin America.

Cellular sensors are built from off-the-shelf parts and installed into volunteers’ vehicles.

Sensors data is continuously uploaded from vehicles and aggregated into a city-wide view.

Algorithms find anomalies in the cellular network that indicate IMSI-catchers.
Data collected in
FADe project is an initiative of South Lighthouse with the support of the Open Technology Fund.
This website is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en